
Showing posts from August, 2022

40 f with vomiting diarrhoea anuria

CHIEF COMPLAINTS 40 year old female brought to casualty with chief complaints of 1) loose motions since yesterday 2) vomitings since yesterday 3) anuria since yesterday HOPI pt was apparently asymptomatic since yesterday.she attended a family gathering and ate mutton .   she had vomitings and loose motions since yesterday mrng 4:00am.  vomitings  about 10 to 15 episode  watery in consistency  non foul smelling , non bilious, non projectile,  not a blood stained, not associated with nausea, fever, not associated with abdominal pain loose motions since 4.00 am in the mrng  about 10 to 15 episodes  watery in consistency,  not foul smelling and not blood stained . no blood in stools. not associated with abdominal pain, fever Complaints of anuria since yesterday 8:00am    for which admitted at nalgonda hospital at 10:00 am. and discharged at 9:00 pm and got relieved of vomitings and loose motions and was put urine bag and referred here D...


CHEIF COMPLAINTS: •Burning micturition since 4 month •Reddish urine since 4 months •Abdominal distention since 1 month •Bilateral lower limb swelling from 10 days •Not passed stools since 4 days HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was apparently normal 11 years ago • He developed Right knee pain following which he was diagnosed with ? Hematoma surgery was done ( No documents ) • 10 years back his elder son has financial mess with him under alcohol influence fought with him and he fell on rocks and had a spine injury following which he had weakness of all four limbs and urinary incontinence, Unable to walk following two months later with conservative management with egg and fish he regained his power gradually, over two months initially able to work with support later able to do his daily routine activities including farming • Four years back patient developed gradual decrease in urine output and retention with abdominal discomfort and SOB when he was diagnosed with ? BPH /obstructive u...