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43 M with abdominal distension

A 48 years old male , bus driver by occupation presented to opd with chief complains of huge abdominal distension. 


Abdomen distension since 4months
Swelling  of both legs since 2 months 
Decreased urine since 1 month 

5 AM : wakes up 
5:30 AM: haves green tea with two biscuits and beetle nut
6AM : starts from his house on bicycle and covers about 5kms in 15 minutes 
6:30 AM : He starts from silguri to tinsukia which is around (1000) kms 
9am:- He halts his bus for breakfast where he takes rice and dal with two pieces of fish and starts again
1pm :- He stops the bus for lunch (rice and dal with two pieces of small fish) 
1-5pm :- Rest(his codriver takes over) 
5pm:- Cup of milk with biscuits and starts his journey
10pm:- Stops for dinner, has rice and dal with fish and starts driving up to 6am
6am:- Halts and takes biscuits with tea and beetle nuts
Afternoon:- He reaches tinsukia and sleeps
8pm:- 600ml of desi beer with fishes
10pm:- sleeps
5am:- He starts up for siliguri
He takes round trips two times a week. 
He used to smoke beedi and gutkha amid his journey but never took alcohol cause of strict police. 
He is into this profession since 28 years and took last trip 3 days before so that's the last alcohol intake. 
He denied taking alcohol since few months.


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4months ago. Following his daily routine he was cycling to earn his bread at around 6am. Few of his friends noticed that he is getting fat and obese but cause of his healthy life style he didn't pay much heed. Within 2-3 weeks few more people noticed that he is getting protruded abdomen which doesn't seems to fit in the puzzle according to his general physique. Some said that he has jaundice and sent him to a quack who seems to cure jaundice Within couple of hours. Although his so called jaundice didn't get cure but that quack said him that he got water in his belly and need to take proper medical care. And after few investigations he presented to our hospital with chief complaints of distended abdomen which is insidious in onset gradually progressive associated with decreased appetite since then. 
Bilateral pedal edema extending upto knee since 2 months , pitting type increased on walking and relieved with rest
Decreased urinary output since 1 month 
No h/o fever, cough, breathlessness. 
No h/o drowsiness, loss of consciousness, palpitations, orthopnoea,pnd ,abdominal pain, fever,nausea vomiting. 


No H/O similar complaints in past.
No H/O DM HTN TB asthma epilepsy CVA CAD.

Occupation:Bus driver

Patient is married .

Patient takes mixed diet and has a decreased appetite .

Sleep : Regular 

Bowel movements are regular and bladder movements are reduced .

Consumes 600ml alcohol occasionally and stopped 1 year back.

smokes beedi 1 pack per day and stopped 3 months back


Patient is conscious ,coherent and cooperative and well oriented to time, place , person.

Patient was examined in a well lit room after taking their consent. 

Patient is severely undernourished with marked sarcopenia

Pallor- present 

Icterus -absent



Generalised Lymphadenopathy-absent

Edema-bilateral pedal edema present


Temperature : 98.3℉

PR : 90 beats per minute

BP : 100/70 mm of Hg

RR : 22 cycles per minute

SpO2 : 96% room air


Per abdomen - 

Abdominal girth- 93-->91cm


Abdomen is distended , flanks are full, skin is stretched , no visible peristalsis , equal symmetrical movements in all quadrant’s with respiration 

Palpation - 

No local rise of temperature, no tenderness

All inspectory findings are confirmed by palpation, no rebound tenderness, gaurding and rigidity.

No tenderness , No organomegaly 

Fluid thrill present 


Shifting dullness present 


Bowel sounds heard 

CVS : S1 and S2 heart sounds heard
CNS: No focal neurological deficits
Cranial nerves,motor and sensory functions intact. 

RR: BAE Present, normal vesicular breath sounds heard,no adventitious sounds

shape of the chest: normal

trachea appears to be central

Ascitic fluid

Chest x-ray 

USG abdomen 

PHES test 


Interpretation : 


1. Complete Urine Examination

2. Anti-HCV Antibodies


4. Blood urea level

5. HBsAg

6. Hemogram 

7. HIV Rapid test 

8. LFT

9. Serum Creatinine

10. APTT

11. Bleeding and clotting time 

12. Prothrombin time

Ascitic tap - 

Appearance - clear , yellow coloured 

SAAG - 1.65 g/dl

Serum albumin - 2.0 g/dl

Asctic albumin - 0.35 g/dl

Ascitic fluid sugar - 104mg/dl

Ascitic fluid protein - 0.7 g/dl

Ascitic fluid amylase - 17 IU /L

LDH : 143 IU/L 

Cell count- 50 cells 

Lymphocytes nil

Neutrophils 100%.


Tab LASIX 40 mg PO BD

Syp. Lactulose 10 ml PO HS

Strict Alcohol abstinence .


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